
Purpose and Message

It is full of instruction on various subjects, the benefit of which extends to every part of the Christian life; for there are here remarkable passages on patience, prayer to God, the excellency and fruit of heavenly truth, humility, holy duties, the restraining of the tongue, the cultivation of peace, the repressing of lusts, the contempt of the world, and the like things, which we shall separately discuss in their own places.

Structure and Outline

I. Greeting and Testing of Faith (1:1-18)
II. Hearing and Doing the Word (1:19-27)
III. The Sin of Partiality (2:1-13)
IV. Faith without Works is Dead (2:14-26)
V. Christian Speech and Wisdom (3:1-4:3)
VI. Submission to God: (4:4-17)
VII. Concluding Admonitions (5:1-19)

I. Greeting and Testing of Faith (1:1-18)
A. Address and Greeting (1:1)
B. Endurance Produced from Trials (1:2-4)
C. Ask God for Wisdom in Faith (1:5-8)
D. Humbleness: the Poor and the Rich (1:9-11)
E. Reward for Enduring Trials (1:12)
F. Temptation is From Man (1:13-15)
G. Every Good Gift is from Above (1:16-18)
II. Hearing and Doing the Word (1:19-27)
A. Quick to Hear and Slow to Speak (1:19-21)
B. Doers of the Word (1:22-25)
C. Pure and Undefiled Religion (1:26-27)
III. The Sin of Partiality (2:1-13)
A. Rebuke: Discrimation on the Poor (2:1-7)
B. The Royal Law of Love (2:8-13)
IV. Faith without Works is Dead (2:14-26)
A. Can that Faith Save Him? (2:14-17)
B. Response and Reiteration (2:18-20)
C. Explanation: Abraham and Rahb (2:21-26)
V. Christian Speech and Wisdom (3:1-4:3)
A. Problem: Taming the Tongue (3:1-12)
B. Solution: Wisdom from Above (3:13-18)
VI. Submission to God: (4:4-17)
A. Ask God for Grace (4:1-10)
B. One Lawgiver and Judge over all (4:11-12)
C. The Lord's Will over Tomorrow (4:13-17)
VII. Concluding Admonitions (5:1-19)
A. Rebuke: the Rich Abuse of the Poor (5:1-6)
B. Wait Patiently: the Second Coming (5:7-8)
C. Do Not Grumble but Persevere (5:9-11)
D. Do Not Swear (5:12)
E. Faithful Prayer of the Righteous (5:13-18)
F. Save a Soul: Turn From Error (5:19-20)



Douglas J. Moo, The Letter of James, PNTC (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2021).


Chris S. Stevens, Does Neglect Mean Rejection? Canonical Reception History of James, JETS 60.4 (2017), 767-80.

D. Keith Campbell, Lament in James and Its Significance for the Church, JETS 60.1 (2017), 125-38.

Michael D. Fiorello, The Ethical Implication of Holiness in James 2, JETS 55.3 (2012), 557-72.

The Epistle of James, SBJT 4.3 (Fall 2000).


Alistair Begg, A Study in the Book of James.

Mark Dever, James with Mark Dever.

Mike Winger, The Debate Over James 2: Catholic or Protestant View.

Douglas Moo, TMS Archives: The Letter of James: A Call to Wholistic Christianity - Dr. Douglas J. Moo.