
Canonical Acceptance

The canonicity of this Gospel is well attested. The same arguments by which the canonical authority of the Gospels of Matthew and Mark was established, apply with their full force to the Gospel of Luke. It was universally received as canonical by the whole primitive Church has a place in every catalogue of the books of the New Testament, which was ever published is constantly referred to and cited by the Fathers as a part of sacred Scripture and was one of the books constantly read in the churches, as a part of the rule of faith and practice for all believers. There are in all 16 witnesses before the end of the second century that testify to its use and general acceptance in the Church.


The gospel of Luke presents to us Christ especially as one of the human race, the Seed of the woman, in his saving work not only for Israel, but also for the Gentiles. Hence it pictures him as the friend of the poor and as seeking sinners, emphasizes the universality of the Gospel blessings, and distinctly bespeaks a friendly relation to the Samaritans. Its permanent spiritual value is that it reminds the Church of all ages that in every nation he that feareth God, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him; and that we have a great High Priest that was touched with the feeling of our infirmities, and was in all parts tempted like as we are, yet without sin.



Brian J .Tabb, Salvation, Spreading, and Suffering: God's Unfolding Plan in Luke-Acts, JETS 58/1 (2015), 43-61.

Dane C. Ortlund, "And Their Eyes were Opened, and They Knew": An Inter-Canonical Note on Luke 24:31, JETS 53/4 (Dec. 2010), 717-28.

Gavin Ortlund, Image of Adam, Son of God: Genesis 5:3 and Luke 3:38 in Intercanonical Dialogue, JETS 57/4 (2014), 673-88.

J. Daniel Hays, "Sell Everything you Have and Give to the Poor": The Old Testament Prophetic Theme of Justice as teh Connecting Motif of Luke 18:1-19:10 , JETS 55/1 (2012), 43-63.

Josh Chatraw, Balancing out (W)right: Jesus' Theology of Individual and Corporate Repentance and Forgiveness in the Gospel of Luke , JETS 55/2 (2012), 299-321.

The Gospel of Luke, SBJT 16.3 (Fall 2012).

Vern S. Poythress, Presuppositions and Harmonization: Luke 23:47 as a Test Case, JETS 56/3 (2013), 499-509.


Alistair Begg, The Gospel According to Luke

Darko Daniel, Dr. Darko Daniel, Gospel of Luke

Jerry Wragg, Luke with Jerry Wragg

R.C. Sproul, The Gospel of Luke: Sermons by R.C. Sproul