

Book 1: Psalms 1-41
Book 2: Psalms 42-72
Book 3: Psalms 73-89
Book 4: Psalms 90-106
Book 5: Psalms 107-150



Alexander E. Stewart, The Temporary Messianic Kingdom in Second Temple Judaism and the Delay of the Parousia: Psalm 110:1 and the Development of Early Christian Inaugurated Eschatology, JETS 59/2 (2016), 255-70.

C. Hassell Bullock, Double-Tracking in the Psalms, Book 5, as a Hermeneutical Method, JETS 60/3 (2017), 479-88.

Conrad R. Gren, Piercing the Ambiguities of Psalm 22:16 and the Messiah's Mission, JETS 48/2 (Jun. 2005), 283-99.

David Schrock, Reading Pslams 2 and 110 with the Grain of Scripture: A Proposal for Reading the Psalter Canonically, SBJT 25.3 (Fall 2021), 97-120.

Ian J. Vaillancourt, Psalm 118 and the Eschatological Son of David, JETS 62.4 (2019), 721-38.

O. Palmer Robertson, The Strategic Placement of the "Hallelu-yah" Psalms within the Psalter, JETS 58/2 (2015), 265-68.

Peter C. W. Ho, The Shape of Davidic Pslams as Messianic, JETS 62.3 (2019), 515-31.

Richard D. Patterson, Psalm 22: From Trial to Triumph, JETS 47/2 (Jun. 2004), 213-33.

William C. Pohl IV, A Messianic Reading of Psalm 89: A Canonical and Intertextual Study, JETS 58/3 (2015), 507-25.


Bruce Waltke, Dr. Bruce Waltke, Psalms (27 lectures).

David Emanuel, Psalms of the Exodus by David Emanuel.

James Hamilton, The Book of Psalms | Sermon Series by Dr. James Hamilton.

Scott D. Meadows, Psalms with D. Scott Meadows.

Ted Hildebrandt, Dr. Ted Hildebrandt, Praise of God in Book II of the Psalms.