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The Authority of God’s Word


The authority of God’s Word as the ultimate standard of truth is foundational for Christians and a critical topic to address when witnessing to LDS members as they often question and diminish the role of the Bible. The key take away from these verses is the divine authority, reliability, and immutability of God's Word, standing firm even when all else fades or passes away. It also highlights the danger of adding, taking away, or neglecting any words in Scripture.


Article of Faith 8, written by Joseph Smith, says, "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God." That qualifier is often used to deny the clear testimony of Scripture about fundamental articles of the Christian faith.

In response to this, you should know the difference between the transmission and translation of the Bible. Although the Bible has had many translations, the process of expressing the biblical text in a language different than the one it was written in, the transmission of the text, the passing down of the scriptures through the centuries, has happened reliably and in the original languages they were written in. You can still learn the biblical languages to this day, and read it for yourself with great confidence that the text has been preserved by God.