Galatians Commentary


Galatians Commentary:
I. Introduction (1:1-9)
A. Salutation (1:1-5)
B. No Other Gospel (1:6-9)
II. Paul's Gospel and Authority (1:10-2:21)
III. Faith Alone Against Works-Gospel (3:1-5:12)
IV. New Life in the Spirit and Love (5:13-6:18)

B. No Other Gospel (1:6-9)

Ver 6. I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different “good news”,

Paul begins this section with a tone of astonishment, using the phrase "I am amazed" (Greek: θαυμάζω, thaumazō). This rhetorical device sets the stage for the severity of his rebuke. His amazement does not stem from mere surprise but from profound dismay at the Galatians’ actions. By immediately expressing astonishment instead of gratitude, Paul signals that the Galatians’ situation is dire.

The word "deserting" (Greek: μετατίθεσθε, metatithesthe) carries strong connotations. It was often used in military or political contexts to describe an act of treason or betrayal. This choice of word underscores the seriousness of the Galatians’ departure—it is not just a theological misstep but an act of disloyalty to God Himself.

Paul’s phrase "so quickly" adds another layer of urgency and critique. It implies that the Galatians’ shift happened with alarming speed, possibly shortly after Paul had evangelized them. This suggests a lack of discernment and stability in their faith, making them susceptible to false teachings.

Ver 7. but there isn’t another “good news.” Only there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Good News of Christ.

Ver 8-9. But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you any “good news” other than that which we preached to you, let him be cursed. As we have said before, so I now say again: if any man preaches to you any “good news” other than that which you received, let him be cursed.